Category : Family & Health

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1. Effective Medical Writing The Write Way to Get Published


Effective Medical Writing. The Write Way to get Published was edited and updated from a series of well-received articles published in the Singapore Medical Journal. These articles were used extensivel ...

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15 Salah Faham penyebab Gagal Menurunkan Berat Badan

by Norasimah Kassim

Buku ini membincangkan berkenaan kesilapan yang sering dilakukan dan kefahaman yang salah tentang diet semasa menurunkan berat badan. Ramai antara kita yang cuba menurunkan berat badan tetapi berakhir ...

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365 Tips Sehat ala Rasul

by Dr. Mohammad Ali Toha Assegaf

Dr. Mohammad Ali Toha Assegaf merumuskan gaya hidup sehat Nabi Muhammad Saw. serta kesehatan Islami dan alami dalam konsep Smart Healing.

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5 Steps To a Healthy and Positive Childhood 

by Anjali Arora

Childhood brings visions of innocence and mischief. Prior knowledge of various aspects of childhood can help parents guard the child from developing major health problems. The book provides a pletho ...

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77 Tip Melembutkan Hati Lelaki

by Zamri Mohamad

Hati lelaki seperti besi. Betul kuncinya, terbukalah hati dan nampaklah segala isi. Kuncinya ada di sini. Di dalam buku ini.

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Berbunga Cinta Aisyah di Hati Rasulullah

by Zamri Mohamad, Imran Yusuf

Memiliki cinta yang membahagiakan adalah pilihan yang dapat dicapai semua orang. Apa yang membezakan antara satu sama lain adalah jalan dan pendekatan yang diambil bagi memetik buah-buah cinta yang se ...

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Bettering Yourself Through NLP

by Alexis Anthony

Everybody wants to have a better life because nobody is perfect and no life is perfect. If you have picked up this book, it is because you are looking for a way to change your life, and yourself for ...

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by Hendri Kusuma Wahyudi

Buku ini--lengkap dengan kiat-kiat menjaga kehamilan--berisi doa-doa yang layak dibaca oleh para ibu hamil.

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